Friday, May 24, 2013

Here's a thought

Hello all,

I was just going though my blog looking for a few things that I've posted in the past and I decided to share a thought with you.

Often I'm asked about going deeper in faith: "how to" and "tips" for doing this.

I think the most immediate and basic thing that you can do is read and spend some time (a few minutes) praying with the Sunday readings BEFORE going to mass on Sunday. 

It only takes a few minutes and when you hear the reading proclaimed and the homily you will be much more engaged and you will get a lot more out of the experience of hearing the Word of God proclaimed.

Here is the Bishop's web site and on the top right is a calendar.  Click on the upcoming Sunday and you will see the readings for the upcoming weekend mass here (this is for the Sunday mass on May 26th 2013)

This coming Sunday is Trinity Sunday and I'm struggling with what I'm going to say.  It is not easy explaining the Trinity.

God bless,

Monday, May 20, 2013

Homily: Pentecost Sunday

Hello all, here is my homily from Pentecost Sunday.

Let me know what you think.

Happy Pentecost everyone!

Bye the way... if you struggle with an understanding of the Holy Spirit or if you want the Paraclete to enter your life in a deeper and more significant way pray this prayer!

This prayer, along with reading the Bible*, is the best way that I know to allow the Holy Spirit to flourish in your life more completely.

* If you do not read the Bible I suggest and recommend it very strongly.  Don't read it like you might normally "read the Bible"... just read it as a story book.  Read two chapters a day.  Each chapter is about one page so it's not more than 5 minutes to read a chapter or two.  Read it like you would read a story.  Don't study it, read the story.  

Start with the Gospel of Matthew and then just read the New Testament straight through as a story.
When you are done do it again and each word will come alive more and more and the power of the Holy Spirit will come alive more and more in your life.

God bless you!