Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Reason #4 "Why do I need to go to mass?"

Hello all,  I know it has been a few weeks since I first started this series about "why do I need to go to mass."  I'm sorry for the delay.  

The fourth reason is that at Mass we encounter the true presence of Jesus Christ.  

When we attend the Mass we believe that Jesus Christ is present to us in many different ways.

I could be wrong but I think that this might sound odd to many.  So often we think (and we believe) that we encounter Christ's true presence in the Holy Eucharist... and that is true but it is not the only way that we encounter Christ's true presence.

Jesus said, "Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst." (Matthew 18:20)

Jesus is not limited by the Eucharist.  We can encounter Him in many and powerful ways at the mass.

So here is the list of the ways that we encounter the presence of Christ at mass:

1)In the other people who are at mass
2)In the person of the presider (the priest)
3)In the Word of God that we hear (the readings from Scripture)
4)In the Eucharist

I'm not sure if we are commonly told that we are supposed to be aware of the presence of Christ in all four of these ways.  We certainly believe that Christ is physically present to us in the Eucharist.  But, were you aware that Christ is also present to us in the priest, the readings from Scripture, and even in the person sitting next to you?

Imagine what it would be like if you showed the same reverence toward the person sitting next to you at mass as you show toward the Eucharist!  Would we enter and exit the parking lot differently if Jesus was behind the wheel of the other cars?

Yet, this is our faith.  I'm not making this up.  The Second Vatican Council tells us that we believe that these are the ways that we encounter the true presence of Christ when we gather at mass.

St. Paul even tells us that if we fail to fully recognize the way that Christ is present in other people (along with His presence in the Eucharistic elements) and we still receive the sacrament of the Eucharist then we "eat and drink unworthily!" 

So we need to find and encounter Christ in each other because He is presented to us through them.  Also, we are the ones who show the real presence of Christ to others... we share Christ with those who we worship with, live with, and encounter in our lives.  I think this is something to think about seriously and "let it sink in."

We also believe that we encounter the presence of Christ in the Word of God that is proclaimed in the reading of Scripture.

I think one of the things that we always need to improve is our love, appreciation for, and knowledge of Scripture.  St. Jerome said, "Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ."  How much have you tried to go deeper in your knowledge of and appreciation of Scripture.  I'm not suggesting that you take some theology course on Scripture scholarship... rather I think it would be a good idea to dust the Bible off and open it.  Read a bit of Scripture daily.  The chapters are very short and if you were to read one chapter a day (it would take maybe 3 minutes since there is about a chapter per page or two) you could get through the entire New Testament in under a year!

One other thing that I'd suggest is to read the readings that you will hear at mass ahead of time. You can find them here.  Click on the date of the next Sunday and the readings will come up.  Read them before you come to mass and I promise that you will get much more out of your worship.

We also believe that Christ is present to us in the person of the presider (the person who leads the mass: usually a priest but it can also be a bishop).  Jesus is the true leader of our worship and so when a priest (or bishop) leads the mass we can encounter Christ in Him in a similar way that we encounter Christ in the others that we are worshipping with.  However the role of the presider at mass is unique and so we can encounter Christ's presence in him in a unique was as well because the presider represents Christ to us.

Finally, and most importantly, we encounter the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.  We receive Him; body, blood, soul, and divinity in the reception of the Eucharist.

This is such an incredible thing that it is difficult to explain without using really technical theological and philosophical language.  But we do believe, and have believed for 2000 years, that Christ is physically present in the Eucharist.

So, this is the fourth reason to go to mass: because we encounter Christ in many and various ways.  Even if someone does not receive the Eucharist they still encounter the real presence of Christ at mass.

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